Bespoke course: The new probate application process & chargeable events & the iht 100. 4 February 2021
This Is An Online Event Via Zoom
This course will be exploring when the new online system applies for probate applications and the PA1P form. It will also highlight which chargeable events during the life of a trust from an IHT point of view needs to be reported to HMRC.
Speaker: Gill Steel, Law Skills ltd
Gill has been a well-known speaker on the private client seminar circuit for many years. Gill uses her vast knowledge of subjects of interest to private client lawyers and accountants to give seminars that are accessible and practical. She highlights tips and tricks to help practitioners deal with day to day problems.
Information about joining the webinar via Zoom and any literature provided by the speaker for the webinar will be sent by email to delegates who have paid in full.
Please note that by signing up for this event you are giving consent for your email address to be shared with the speaker.This information is essential to enable your link to the zoom session to work. Your details will be deleted by the speaker after the event.
Please note we do not produce invoices – please accept this flyer as confirmation of the cost of the webinar and forward to your accounts team if your employer will be providing payment.
Please complete the attached form and email to Seema Solanki at [email protected]
Payment to be made via bank transfer:
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-16-57
Account Number: 21210238
Account Name: STEP Cambridge Branch
Reference: February – payee’s name/firm
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