Complicated assets, regulatory compliance, and impactful giving. 16 June 2021
Sponsored content from CAF America
The shared challenges we face in our globalised world transcend borders. In international philanthropy, however, borders can present formidable regulatory, risk and reputational obstacles to your clients’ desire to be impactful in their charitable planning.
In this webinar, experts Ted Hart, President and CEO, CAF America and CAF Canada, and Megan Worrell TEP, Managing Director, J.P. Morgan Private Bank, discuss donating complicated assets, staying compliant in a rapidly changing global regulatory landscape and the steps that must be considered in the creation of impactful charitable planning.
Although the barriers of cross-border giving can threaten donors’ ability to distribute critical funding to the issues that matter to them most, a skilled awareness of the US and global mechanisms and legal contexts to giving will help your clients realise their charitable vision.
- Ted Hart, President and CEO, CAF America and CAF Canada
- Megan Worrell TEP, Managing Director, J.P. Morgan Private Bank
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