Cyber risks and data breaches – the technology and the law. 7 September 2023

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Hosted by
STEP Singapore
Event Type
Web Event

About this Webinar

Cyber incidents are on the rise and they affect individuals and organisations of all types and sizes. These threats are of particular concerns to family offices and trust companies which, by the very nature of their business, deal with and possess a fair amount of data – the privacy and confidentiality of which is key to most of their principals and families. This webinar will take a holistic approach towards issues relating to Cyber Risks and Data Breaches which affect family offices and trust companies. The speakers will cover both the technological aspects and recommended approach towards such threats as well as the legal obligations owed by professionals and legal consequences in the event of the occurrence of a cyber incident.

Webinar Programme

Webinar participants will be able to watch & listen to (via computer audio or telephone line) the video presentation and Q&A discussion on their screens, receive a PDF copy of the presentation slides, as well as participate in the Q&A discussion by sending in their questions to the moderator via text using the built-in Q&A function.

Webinar Recording Available for Limited Viewing/Purchase

STEP Singapore is pleased to make available the webinar recording to those registered and paid up for the webinar for viewing (but not download) for 14 days after the webinar. This offers you the convenience of rewatching the webinar or catching up on what you may have missed if you were unable to attend.

If you missed out on the webinar but are interested to pay to view the recording within the 14-day window, please reach out to the STEP Singapore Secretariat.

Cost group
17:00 - 18:30 (GMT +8)
STEP (Singapore) Secretariat
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