STEP Victoria seminar. 16 March 2023

Host group
Host Left
Hosted by
STEP Victoria-Tasmania
Event Type

Rigby Cooke Lawyers
Level 11, 360 Elizabeth St
Melbourne VIC 3000

STEP Victoria invites you to a seminar presented by Rachael Grabovic TEP and Marcus Schivo TEP of Rigby Cooke Lawyers.


  • Grabovic v Yang [2022] VSC 417: foreign wills – issues to consider and implications for estate planning and grants of probate

Please note:

This seminar is available for in-person attendance and remote attendance. Please ensure you select the correct ticket type.

Online Ticket Holders will be provided with instructions on how to view this event online and provided with a code providing access from the time of the event - this link is shared four hours before the event.

The duration of the webinar is 60 minutes.

Cost group
Event Cost
Australian Dollar
STEP Member Registration
Australian Dollar
Non-STEP Member Registration
17:30 - 18:30
CPD Points
CPD Certificates are not automatically supplied following an event. Should you require a CPD certificate confirming your attendance at an event please contact the person on the calendar listing to request this.
Payment Options
Credit card
STEP Victoria
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