Wagging the dog: potential US tax law changes and how they could impact your clients. 2 November 2021

Host group
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Hosted by
STEP Hong Kong
Event Type

Concentric Corner, Shanghai and Beijing Room
2/F, Chater House
Chater Road
Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong

Breakfast seminar – in-person venue and virtual

The talk:

The tax proposals put forward by President Biden to fund his 'Build Back Better' programme would involve some of the most significant changes to the taxation of wealth for many decades. With less than three months until the new tax calendar begins, many US taxpayers are actively undertaking planning before the imminent rise in tax rates and likely closure of some of the planning options currently available to them.

However, with only a narrow control of Congress by the Democrats, it still remains unclear which of the proposals will be enacted. This session will explore what we know for certain will happen and also what we don’t know yet. It will also explain the issues which US taxpayers should be considering before the year end.

The speakers:

  • Megan Worrell – Managing Director, Senior Wealth Advisor – Global Families Group, JP Morgan, New York;
  • Erik Wallace – Partner, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Hong Kong;
  • Laurence Ho – Partner, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Hong Kong.

Please ensure to use the Leave Home Safe App when you arrive at the venue.

Please share with any colleagues who may be interested to attend/join.

Cost group
08.30 - 09.30 HKT
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