A wealth planning update on expected and unexpected outcomes from the UK leaving the European Union. 30 June 2021
About this Webinar
We are almost 5 months post Brexit and, as would be expected, the global COVID-19 pandemic has garnered the majority of media attention in the intervening period. However, regardless of the attention or lack thereof being drawn to Brexit as a monumental global event, its consequences and after-effects will march on.
Join us for a discussion on the post-Brexit landscape and its effects on the global wealth planning industry. Our guest speakers, Toby Crooks of Rawlinson & Hunter and Philip Munro of Withers Worldwide, will be updating us from London, covering the key elements of the separation which impact our clients, their structures and succession planning (or, as we may see, the over-exaggeration of impact and the actual minimal effect). The presentation will include a focus on regional SE Asia impacts and our guests will take your questions.
This presentation is part of the STEP Singapore Branch Annual General Meeting, however it is open to non-STEP Members and we encourage everyone to attend and perhaps also hear a bit more about the STEP Singapore Branch.
The talk will be followed by the STEP (Singapore) AGM. This webinar is complimentary for STEP members who stay on to attend the AGM.
Webinar Programme
Webinar participants will be able to watch and listen to (via computer audio, recommended for security reasons, or telephone line) the video presentation and Q&A discussion on their screens, receive a PDF copy of the presentation slides, as well as participate in the Q&A discussion by sending in their questions to the moderator via text using the built-in Q&A function.
15.45 – 15.50 |
Opening Remarks by Chairperson |
15.50 – 16.30 |
Post-Brexit: A wealth planning update on expected and unexpected outcomes from the UK leaving the European Union
16.30 – 16.45 |
Q & A Session & Closing Remarks |
17.00 |
STEP(S) Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021 |
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