Webinar 3: The future of trusts – threats, challenges, and solutions. 21 January 2021

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Web Event

This session forms part of the STEP Cayman Wealth Structuring Week; a series of three webinars that will run in January 2021.


What does the future hold for the trusts industry both onshore and off?  Having weathered many storms over the years, are the biggest threats to the robustness and stability of private client structures still ahead?  Our panel will discuss recent global developments flowing from the international push towards regulation and transparency, important decisions of the courts that have contributed to the evolution of trust laws around the world, and debate what new challenges may lie ahead.


Moderator: Carlos De Serpa Pimentel TEP, Appleby, Cayman Islands
Sofie Hoffman, Harbottle & Lewis, UK
Robert Lindley TEP, Conyers, Cayman Islands
Henry Mander TEP, Harneys, Cayman Islands
Severiano Ortiz TEP, Kozusko Harris Duncan, USA

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Free to attend
08:30 - 09:30 EST (GMT-5)
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1 Hour
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