Will files and how they may be challenged in probate disputes. 18 January 2023

Host group
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Hosted by
STEP Bournemouth
Event Type

The Green House
4 Grove Road
United Kingdom


Carol Davies is a barrister, mediator and arbitrator at College Chambers in Southampton. Carol has 25 years of experience in civil litigation and family financial matters with a particular specialism in probate disputes.

The topic:  

Will files and how they may be challenged in probate updates

Carol will be speaking about the importance of the will file and the information it should contain which would be invaluable in the event of a future dispute. She will identify the troublesome gaps and failings that would be fodder to the disgruntled relative and consider how they can be avoided.

Tea and coffee from: 15:30
Presentation commences: 16:00 
Close: 17:30 

Booking and payment
Please complete the accompanying booking form and email it to Hannah Dampney. Please note that the booking deadline for this conference is: Friday, 13 January 2023

**(You MUST provide your membership number at the time of booking to get this rate). If you book and do not turn up you will be charged the full Non-Member rate (GBP40).

No refunds will be made for non-attendance unless notice is given to Hannah Dampney by Monday, 16 January 2023. The place can, however, be used by another representative from your firm, subject to payment of the additional fee where the original attendee is a member of the branch and the replacement attendee is not.

Cost group
Event Cost
Pound Sterling
STEP Members and student members**
Pound Sterling
Pound Sterling
Free to University students
15:30 - 17:30
Hannah Dampney
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