Modern Families Hub
Special supplement: Modern Families - A Private Client Perspective
Understanding modern families is imperative in today’s world; the potential for estate litigation, the rise in family disputes and the ever-shifting nature of what constitutes a family unit are just some of the considerations facing advisors and their practice. By gaining insight into these aspects, practitioners can better anticipate and adapt to potential future changes in family dynamics. In this supplement readers will find resources, commentary and insight into how they can best serve their clients.
Article: Holy manimony
Zoë Bloom explores the growing trend of alimony being paid to men and potential jurisdictional challenges.
Insight panel: Modern families
How does your jurisdiction define a child and what challenges (if any) do these definitions pose for today’s modern family?
Modern families can often be complicated families: they can be challenging, diverse, intricate, and all over the map – often literally – and their needs are equally complex. In this webinar, our panel discussed what a typical family today looks like, the key complexities facing them, and how practitioners are meeting their needs.
For global families, managing wealth across one or more jurisdictions engenders numerous complexities. This roundtable, sponsored by RBC Wealth Management, examined the challenges.
Hannah Mantle and Charles Hancock review case law in England and Wales that illustrates how the courts are adapting to the modern definition of ‘family’.
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