The information and resources below will help you plan for your family's future; they include a range of leaflets, a glossary, and links to our public-facing website, Advising Families.
Advising Families website
For those in the UK and Canada, STEP has a bespoke website with information and advice on anything from drafting a will to retiring abroad.
- Canada:
- UK:
Glossary of common terms
We have put together a glossary of common words that you may come across when talking to an advisor or reading about issues in this area.
Leaflets and factsheets
Please note that some leaflets apply to specific regions or countries. Electronic copies can be downloaded below, and paper copies of the England and Wales versions can be purchased to distribute to clients and other members of the public (see 'how to order' below).
About STEP
- STEP explained (PDF 470KB) gives an overview of the Society, its membership and activities.
About trusts
- Trusts explained (PDF 2.3MB) gives an overview of how trusts work and what they are most commonly used for, and corrects some of the widespread misconceptions held about trusts.
Why make a trust?
Why make a trust? provides a brief explanation of the benefit of making a trust, along with some frequently asked questions regarding trusts for members of the public.
- Why make a trust? (PDF 290KB) England and Wales version. Updated 2020
- What is a trust? Hong Kong version (PDF 386MB). Updated 2015.
- Choosing a trustee: what you should look for when choosing a trustee (read article)
About wills
Why make a will? provides a brief explanation of the importance of making a will.
- Why make a will? (PDF 270KB) England and Wales version. Updated 2020
- Why make a will? Hong Kong version (PDF 480KB).
What to do when someone dies
What to do when someone dies provides a brief outline to guide you through the process of what to do when someone dies: the steps that must be taken, the information that must be gathered and the legal terms that may be encountered.
- What to do when someone dies (PDF 260KB) England and Wales version. Updated 2020
- What to do when someone dies (PDF 430KB) Hong Kong version.
About Powers of Attorney
Why make a Lasting Power of Attorney? outlines the two different types of LPA and the main points to consider when creating them for members of the public in England and Wales.
- Why make a Lasting Power of Attorney? (PDF 420KB) England and Wales version. Updated August 2019
Why make an Enduring Power of Attorney? provides a brief explanation of an EPA for members of the public. In Hong Kong, Enduring Powers of Attorney make it possible to make provision in advance for the possibility of you becoming incapable of managing your own financial and welfare affairs during your lifetime.
- Why make an Enduring Power of Attorney? (PDF 1. 2MB) Hong Kong version.
About being a personal representative (UK)
People often underestimate the huge responsibility and challenges of being a personal representative and the personal liability it brings if things go wrong. This article sets out a few common pitfalls personal representatives may fall into, and should serve as a warning to anyone contemplating administering an estate without obtaining legal advice.
About cohabiting couples (UK)
More than 3 million couples in the UK choose to cohabit, rather than marry or enter a civil partnership. If you are co-habiting, you do not have the same rights as a married couple; and contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a ‘common-law marriage’.
- Cohabiting couples’ legal rights in the UK (PDF 300KB)
How to order
To order copies of STEP leaflets please email [email protected] with your request, confirming your STEP membership number. If you are not a STEP member, please confirm your invoice/delivery and email address. You will be sent an invoice via email. Your order will be dispatched upon receipt of payment. Each pack of 25 leaflets costs GBP20. Postage and Packaging: UK - GBP3.50, Europe - GBP4.95, Rest of the World - GBP6.50. For orders of more than one item, please add an additional GBP1 P&P per item.
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