Mental Capacity

With globally ageing populations, and a recent report stating that dementia cases are set to triple by 2050, issues concerning capacity are increasingly important and relevant in all aspects of work relating to inheritance and succession planning. 

With its multi-disciplinary membership, STEP and its members have an opportunity to play an active role in assisting clients to plan for and take advanced decisions, should they lose capacity in the future. Practitioners are also well positioned to assist clients to put plans in place to provide safeguards should future incapacity lead to vulnerable situations, including abuse or neglect.

STEP, supported by the Alzheimer’s Society, wanted to determine the impact of the increasing numbers of capacity-related issues experienced by members and their clients. What is the impact on day-to-day practise? What issues arise? What support do practitioners require? What issues do clients experience? How can legislators and policy makers assist by improving legislative and regulatory frameworks? What information does the public need?

To address these questions, we surveyed STEP members globally in June/July 2023, receiving 756 responses from respondents in 44 countries.

The findings are published in our latest report, which you can download below.

Mental Capacity Report
Sponsored by Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer's Society

As the UK’s leading dementia charity, Alzheimer’s Society is uniquely placed to make change happen. But it’s only through initiatives like the STEP partnership that Alzheimer’s Society can continue to give help and hope to people living with dementia today and in the future. Together, we can ensure that dementia no longer devastates lives.

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A panel of experts discussed the findings of the report and suggest a way forward for those planning for, or in a position of, loss of mental capacity. They also discussed work to move forward government thinking on the commonality of approach to powers of representation and cross-border incapacity through the launch of STEP’s Global Representative Power.