With great wealth comes great responsibility


As Bill Gates once said, ‘with great wealth comes great responsibility’. This web-event will offer STEP members a foundation of the fundamentals of the principles of wealth stewardship and their significance for private wealth owners.

Speakers will explore:

  • What is responsible wealth stewardship, and what does it mean in the private client context?
  • Why is responsible stewardship of wealth relevant for our clients?

Why watch?

  • To understand the fundamentals of what it means to be a responsible steward of private wealth.
  • To appreciate why and how responsible stewardship of wealth helps to build and strengthen family and its wealth over time and contributes to the well-being of society.


  • Matthew Braithwaite TEP, Wedlake Bell LLP, UK


  • Bryony Cove TEP, Farrer & Co, UK
  • Xavier Isaacs TEP, Accuro Group, Switzerland
  • Gina Pereira TEP, Meritus Trust Company Limited, Bermuda


Thought leadership sponsor_Alzheimers-Society


Thought leadership sponsor_TMF Group