Chair: Katie Graves TEP, Withers, Hong Kong
17.00: EU Succession Regulation – its application to non-EU persons owning EU assets
Brussels IV (The EU Succession Regulation) was an important step in simplifying the probate and succession rules that apply when a person within the EU passes away while owning real estate and other assets in other EU countries. Often overlooked, however, are the implications of the Regulation in respect of EU assets owned by persons based in Asia. The speakers will lead us through this scenario.
- Richard Frimston TEP, Russell-Cooke Solicitors, UK
- Michael Wells-Greco TEP, Charles Russell Speechlys SA, Switzerland
17.45: Structuring real estate investment in the UK
Buying real estate in the UK is a minefield, exacerbated by recent new taxes imposed on non-resident purchasers. A plethora of non-intuitive rules relating to stamp duty, capital gains tax, income tax and inheritance tax must be maneuvered. The speakers will explain these rules with a focus on recent development, and will seek to answer whether investment in UK real estate makes sense in today’s environment.
- Jonathan Conder TEP, Macfarlanes LLP, UK
- Peter Vaines TEP, Field Court Tax Chambers, UK
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