In this web event, an expert panel will discuss a new STEP research report uncovering the issues and challenges associated with loss of capacity, following a global survey of more than 700 practitioners.
The report, Loss of Mental Capacity: A Global Perspective, which is sponsored by Alzheimer’s Society, will be launched ahead of the event and highlights the impact of increasing incapacity issues on the estate and trust industry. From a marked increase in incidences of financial abuse, to inconsistency and inadequacy in legal frameworks for powers of representation globally, it is clear that there are significant challenges to overcome.
Our panel will use the report findings to share insight and suggest a way forward for those planning for, or in a position of, loss of mental capacity. They will also discuss work to move forward government thinking on the commonality of approach to powers of representation and cross-border incapacity through the launch of STEP’s Global Representative Power.
Why watch?
With globally ageing populations and dementia cases set to triple by 2050, issues concerning capacity are important and relevant in all aspects of work relating to inheritance and succession planning.
With its multi-disciplinary membership, STEP, its members and its stakeholders have an opportunity to play an active role in assisting clients to plan for incapacity, as well as playing an active role to global-scale bodies of influence.
This event will help you to understand the issues globally and build your knowledge and skills to better advise your clients and safeguard against abuse.
- Alex Ruck Keene KC TEP (Hon), 39 Essex Chambers
- Kathleen Cunningham BComm, LLB, MPS, TEP
- Claire van Overdijk KC TEP, Carey Olsen Bermuda Limited
- Jonathan Upton, Estatesearch
- Helen Quinn, Alzheimer's Society
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